I am Mrs. Tortolani and this is my sous chef Squinzio, we are Italians and this is our kitchen.
Mrs. Tortolani: We aren't a professional chefs, but there are simple Italian recipes handed down from generation to generation. Squinzio: So guys try to cook, sit at the table and... Good Appetite!!! :-D

Mrs. Tortolani&Squinzio


This blog exists thanks to the publicity. Thanks in advance for your contribution!

I hope like you my blog :-D

I look forward to your comments and respond to your questions! Write me so many!!! share it Kiss :-D

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chinese-style Salmon Ravioli

Ravoli di Salmone Tipo Cinese

(Chinese-style Salmon Ravioli)

This is for 2 people 

7.054 oz (200g) flour type 00

7.054 oz (200g) smoked salmon

5.643 oz (160g) zucchini

2.998 oz (85g) onion

½ teaspoon of black pepper

½ teaspoon of coriander

3 grated nutmeg

2.116 oz (60g) boiling water
2 tablespoons of soybean oil

3 tablespoons of soy sauce

½ ladle of vegetable broth

potato starch to taste

salt to taste


Merge 7,054 oz (200g) of flour type 00 with 2,116 oz (60g) of boiling water, 1 teaspoon of soybean oil and a pinch of salt. Knead it and let it rest for 30 minutes. Cover it with a tea towel.
In a pan, add 1 tablespoon of soybean oil, small diced 2,998 oz (85g) of onion, 5,643 oz (160g) of zucchini (only the green part) and add them into the pan. Let them cook for 5 minutes. Small dice 7,054 oz (200g) of smoked salmon and add it into the pan. Add 1/2 teaspoon of black pepper, 1/2 teaspoon coriander, 3 grated nutmeg and 1 tablespoon soy sauce. Mix thoroughly.

With nonnapapera roll out the dough very thin (number 5). For the preparation dusting the dough with potato starch and not flour. Cut the dough into squares about 10 cm per side and put 1 tablespoon of filling in the center of the square. Wet the flaps of square and add them all together.

Put on the bottom of a steam generator (vaporiera) some lettuce leaves. Lay above it the ravioli and cook them for 25/30 minutes. When they are cooked, put them in a serving dish and garnish them with 1/2 ladle of vegetable broth and 2 tablespoons soy sauce.

Bon appetite!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Vegetable Soup

Minestra di Verdure
(Vegetable Soup)
this is for 4 people

9.876 oz (280g) wholemeal pasta soup
5.291 oz (150g) raw salami
5.291 oz (150g) cabbage
1.763 (50g) leeks
5.643 oz (160g) tomatoes
4.232 oz (120g) cauliflower
2.116 oz (60g) stalk of celery
2.821 oz (80g) carrots
5.643 oz (160g) Belgian chicory
4.232 oz (120g) fennel
3.527 oz (100g) potatoes
2 tablespoons of EVO (extra virgin olive oil)
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric
1 meat stock cube
salt and black pepper to taste


In a large pan pour 2 tablespoons of EVO and 5.291 oz (150g) of raw sausage cut into cubes. Let cook for 3 minutes over medium heat.
Add 2.116 oz (60g) of celery, 2.821 oz (80g) of carrots, 4.232 oz (120g) of fennel, 3.527 oz (100g) of potatoes and 5.643 oz (160g) of tomatoes. everything has to be cut into pieces. Mix it well.
Add 4.232 oz (120g) of cauliflower, cut into leafy shoots. Add 5.291 oz (150g) of cabbage, 1.763 oz (50g) of leeks and 5.643 oz (160g) of B
Belgian chicory, all cut into small pieces.
Mix well with a wooden spoon for 10 minutes over high heat.
Add 1.5 litres of boiling water and a meat stock cube, 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric, salt and black pepper to taste and bring it to cook for about 25 minutes. The broth should be abundant because it is added directly to 9.876 oz (280g) of wholemeal pasta soup.
Cook it about 10 minutes and serve.
Buon Appetito.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Chinese rice noodles with seafood and vegetables fantasy

Spaghetti di Riso Cinesi con Frutti di Mare e Fantasia di Verdure
(Chinese rice noodles with seafood and vegetables fantasy)

 (This is for 4 people)
11.287 oz (320g) rice noodles
3.527 oz (100g) shrimps
3.527 oz (100g) baby cuttlefish
7.054 oz (200g) rings of finned squid
6.349 oz (180g) leeks
6.349 oz (180g) carrots
8.818 oz (250g) zucchini
3 eggs
2.821 oz (80g) soybean oil
2.821 oz (80g) soy sauce
salt to taste
szechuan pepper to taste
OPTIONAL :[3.527 oz (100g) soybean sprouts]
Put a large nonstick pan or a wok on low heat with a little of soybean oil. Wash well and cut into julienne 6.349 oz (180g) of carrots, 8.818 oz (250g) of zucchini and 6.349 oz (180g) of leeks. When the oil is hot put carrots and zucchini, let brown 3 minutes and add the leeks leave browning 3 minutes. Add 3.527 oz (100g) of baby cuttlefish, 7.054 oz (200g) of rings of finned squid and 3.527 oz (100g) of shrimps, stir and keep on the heat until the water of the fish has evaporated.
salt but remember that even the soy sauce is salty.
In another pan with each egg make a thin omelette and add a teaspoon of soy and salt to taste. Cut them in strips .
Put in a bowl 11.287 oz (320g) of spaghetti of rice for 10 minutes in cold water. Then, cut with kitchen scissors spaghetti into three parts, drain them well to the water and add them to the pan of fish and vegetables with the remaining soy sauce. Quickly stir 3 minutes over high heat spaghetti, fish, vegetables. Finally add the strips of omelette, mix and serve immediately.

If you like once served add a little szechuan pepper!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thai Rice

Riso Thailandese
(Thai Rice)

This is for 4 people

3.527 oz (100g) yellow bell peppers
3.527 oz (100g) zucchini
3.527 oz (100g) carrots
5.291 oz (150g) leeks
4.409 oz (125g) chicken breast
2.821 oz (80g) pancetta
12.345 oz (350g) basmati rice
1 vegetable stock cube
52.910 oz (1,5 L) water
6 tablespoons soybean oil
4 tablespoons of soy sauce
salt to taste
hot chilli pepper or black pepper to taste

Cut giulien 3.527 oz (100g) of yellow bell peppers, 3.527 oz (100g) of zucchini, 3.527 oz (100g) of carrots and 5.291 oz (150g) of leeks.
N.B.: courgettes shall be deprived of the white part.
Put a pot with 52.910 oz (1,5 L) of water and 1 vegetable stock cube over medium heat. Add in it 12.345 oz (350g) of basmati rice and boil until cooked.
Put on medium heat a wok or large frying pan with 6 tablespoons of soybean oil and 2.821 oz (80g) of pancetta. Leave suatè the pancetta. Add carrots and leeks and stir 2 minutes, add zucchini and peppers. Sauté 3 minutes. Add the chicken breast, cut into giulien.
Add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce, add salt and pepper to taste. Allow to cook 2 minutes. Everything has to be 'al dente'.
Drain the rice and add it to the vegetables. Add 3 tablespoons of soy sauce and chilli. Stir over medium heat and if it is too dry, add a little broth of rice.
Mix well and serve it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Salmon Paté

Pate di Salmone
(Salmon Paté)

This is for 4 people

7.054 oz (200g) fresh salmon
3.527 oz (100g) smoked salmon
12.345 oz (350g) water
0.705 oz (20g) onion
½ clove of garlic
1 bay leaf
1 sprig of rosemary
4 juniper berries
residues of salmon
0.705 oz (20g) carrots
  salt to taste
0.705 oz (20g) potatoes
1.763 oz (50g) butter
2 tablespoons of Marsala wine
3 grated of nutmeg
0.070 oz (2g) isinglass

Take a slice of 7.054 oz (200g) of fresh salmon. Cut the skin, any fish bones and dark parts. Heat 0.352 oz (10g) of butter in a pan and cook the salmon fresh and clean 2 minutes on one side and 2 minutes on the other.
Cut the fresh salmon into pieces and put it in a mixer and add 3.527 oz (100g) of smoked salmon cut into pieces.
In the same pan used to cook fresh salmon, pour 2 tablespoons of Marsala wine and cook 1 minute. Pour the Marsala wine so reduced in the mixer.
In a pan put 12.345 oz (350g) of water, 0.705 oz (20g) of onion 1/2 clove garlic, 1 bay leaf, 1 sprig of rosemary, 4 juniper berries, the residues of fresh salmon, 0.705 oz (20g) carrot, 0.705 oz (20g) of potato and salt to taste. Bring it to a boil and cook 15 minutes.
Filter 1.410 oz (90g) of fish broth and let it dissolve 0.070 oz (2g) of isinglass. Once the isinglass has dissolved pour all it into the mixer and add 3 grated nutmeg and black pepper to taste.
Mix for about 5 minutes until the get a homogeneous mixture.

N.B.:Our advice is to mix only for a few seconds at a time so that the salmon does not overheat !

Melt 1.410 oz (40g) butter in a pan and pour it into the mixer. Mixing for 10 seconds the butter with the rest of the ingredients.
Put the contents of the mixer in a glass jar tightly closing. Place the jars on a pot of water (water should exceed the cap of the jar) over medium heat and cook for 5 minutes. Once cooled water the jar can be stored on the refrigerator. Let stand the jar in the refrigerator one day.