I am Mrs. Tortolani and this is my sous chef Squinzio, we are Italians and this is our kitchen.
Mrs. Tortolani: We aren't a professional chefs, but there are simple Italian recipes handed down from generation to generation. Squinzio: So guys try to cook, sit at the table and... Good Appetite!!! :-D

Mrs. Tortolani&Squinzio


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I hope like you my blog :-D

I look forward to your comments and respond to your questions! Write me so many!!! share it Kiss :-D


Ravoli di Salmone Tipo Cinese

(Chinese-style Salmon Ravioli)
The ravioli are a type of little bundles very popular in China, Japan and Korea. Stuffed with meat, fish and vegetables are wrapped in a thin dough sealed with finger pressure. Not to be confused with wonton: the ravoli have a paste thicker and wavy, flattened at each end, and are generally consumed after immersion in soy sauce and vinegar of soy, the wonton are thinner, usually served in broth .
The ravioli are one of the main foods eaten at Chinese New Year. The form is like a Chinese coin and a symbol of good luck for the new year. Traditionally, families and friends gather together to prepare the ravioli. In the countryside is sacrificed cattle better and keeps the meat ravioli for taking advantage of the cold weather.

The ravioli (jiaozi) have this name for the shape of a horn.
According to folk tales, the jiaozi were invented by Zhang Zhongjing, one of the greatest masters of Chinese medical history. Were originally so named because they used to treat the freezing ears.

The Guotie are ravoili braised.

Typical of northern China, they are delicious, they are often from street vendors or street stalls. They are served as an appetizer in Chinese cooking. The filling may contain pork, chicken, beef, cabbage, spinach, green onions, ginger, Chinese rice wine, cooking wine, sesame oil.
They are cooked in the oil until golden and then steamed. If cooked properly, you do not glue. An alternative method is steaming in the wok, followed by fry on one side until crispy.
The Guotie were consumed since the time of the Song Dynasty (960-1280).
 Spaghetti di Riso Cinesi con Frutti di Mare e Fantasia di Verdure
(Chinese rice noodles with seafood and vegetables fantasy)

The first written record of pasta dates back to the Han Dynasty, period (25-220).
2002, archaeologists found a dish containing the world's oldest known noodles, 4000 years.
noodles were well preserved.
The essential ingredient of rice noodles is rice flour. However, sometimes other ingredients such as tapioca or corn starch are added to improve the transparency or increasing gelatinous consistency and rubbery of noodles. The dough is rolled and folded many times and never cut, until it became thing and long.

Pane Integrale con Origano, fatto con la Macchina per il Pane
(Wholemeal Bread with Oregano, made with Bread Machine)
Bakers get bread much leavened and very quickly in addition to baking powder also sugar.
Sometimes added to it so much sugar that the bread is sweet!
For this and for health reasons I decided to make the homemade bread with bread machine.
The bread machine was invented in Japan in 1986, ten years after it had become popular in UK, in Australia and in the United States.
The bread machine is very useful and practical.
It allows you to make many types of bread, classic white bread, wholemeal bread, French bread, sweet bread, sandwich bread, the dough for pizza, cakes and even jam.
To property use the bread machine is important to follow exactly the order of the ingredients written on the instruction booklet, usually in it are put liquids, salt, flour and baking powder.
The bread machine can also be to work with the program start up to 15 hours, to obtain a preparation time favorite.
A common mistake is to think that adding yeast, the bread will rise more. Too much yeast weakens the structure of the dough will rise too much and will subside during cooking. 
Fantasia di Orzo Perlato
(Fantasy of Pearl Barley)
  Barley was already famous in the Middle East in the seventh millennium BC and then trade it was spread all over the world.
Barley is used as flour for bread or as an ingredient for desserts.
It is also used as a substitute for chocolate or coffee and it is also a basic ingredient of beer.

If you are looking for a recipe cool and summer this is for you!
 Spaghetti alla Chitarra con Pesto 'Quasi' alla Genovese
 Mine is a pesto 'almost' Genovese because is a little experiment I did even if I am not and I do not live in the beautiful Riviera. Actually, I have not even the perfect tools but I will try the same to make the pesto.
Then I humbly apologize to all the Genoese and the noble art of homemade pesto!
Pesto is a traditional condiment originating in Liguria. Its basic ingredient is basil. In addition to the basil, pine nuts are crushed raw garlic, and seasoned with parmesan cheese, pecorino cheese and extra virgin olive oil.
The first recipe for pesto goes back to the nineteenth century. It probably comes from pounded sauces like garlic, walnuts and garlic-based, widespread in Liguria during the maritime Republic of Genoa.
In most of Liguria were used the cheese rinds advanced, most economical and potatoes were added because they were cheaper than pasta.
These are the seven ingredients of pesto:
1-Leaves of basil from Pra'.
Basil suitable comes from crops traditionally placed on the heights of Pra ', a suburb of Genoa.
2-Extra virgin olive oil from Liguria.
3-Italian pine nuts, preferably Pisa.
5-Pecorino cheese "Fiore Sardo".
6-Garlic Vessalico is less strong and more digestible.
7-Coarse sea salt.
If you don't have the basil from Pra or not minty basil, you can use the trick of slightly blanch the basil leaves in boiling water in order to soften the taste.
This system is also useful if you want to keep the basil for long periods.
Pesto Genovese is inserted between the traditional Ligurian food products recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry.
Since 2007 he has been taking place in Genoa on the world championship of pesto in a mortar.
More advice
The processing of pesto sauce should take the shortest time possible to avoid oxidation.
You can use the blender to obtain a more emulsified sauce, similar to a cream; the advice you can give is to use the mixer at lowest speed, and blend on shots (blend for a few seconds then stop for a few seconds and so on ), in order to avoid phenomena of heating due to friction. Another trick to avoid overheating of the pesto sauce is to put the bowl of a blender and blades in the refrigerator an hour before use.
 Lasagne verdi al forno
(Green Lasagna)

Lasagna is a dish typical of central Italy, but in reality it has spread throughout Italy and around the world.
In particular, it is characteristic of the regions of Emilia-Romagna and Marche.
Here the lasagna is prepared in a pan with several layers of boiled lasagna, alternating layers of condiments, all passed back in the oven for final cooking made to mix the flavors.
It seems that in ancient Rome, there was a dish cooked in a similar way to lasagna and it was the favorite dish of Cicero.
The recipe more diffused has as a condiment meat sauce, bechamel sauce and Parmigiano-Reggiano.
The area between
Reggio Emilia, Modena and Bologna make green lasagna prepared with the addition of spinach to the normal egg pasta.
It was recently introduced the use of the mozzarella.
In Liguria we use to do a version of lasagna that, instead of meat sauce, pesto without the use of bechamel sauce.
In some areas of Umbria and Marche, are vincisgrassi, to which sauce you can add the chicken livers, animelle, marrow, brains beef or truffles.
Finally, in the Veneto region is a very common variant that uses the Radicchio Rosso di Treviso instead of meat sauce.
Spiedini Primavera
(Spring Skewers)
My friends it's spring at last!
Spring brings with it plenty of good vegetables.
I decided to make a recipe spring.
The skewers.
A typical skewer in the Abruzzo region is:
The Arrosticino.
The region of Abruzzo is in central Italy and it is a region famous for its National Park.
Arrosticini are made ​​with small cubes of lamb mutton approximately 1 cm.
Our skewers instead, there is plenty of good vegetables and meat rabbits.
Obviously this is only an indication, you can make skewers of chicken, turkey, fish of everything you want!
Le Chiacchire di Carnevale
(Chiacchiere of Carnival)

 February has always been synonymous of Carnival and Carnival is a synonymous for Chiacchiere.
Chiacchiere is a typical Italian dessert used to celebrate Carnival.
Chiacchiere are made from flour, eggs and sugar. They have the form of a strip, sometimes manipulated to form o knot. They can be fried in oil or cooked in the oven according to their origin and composition.
They were already present in ancient Rome, they were known as ' frictilia '.
They used for accompany the parade of floats and masks in the days preceding Ash Wednesday.
Needed something that could combine pleasure with the speed of preparation and low cost.
Some name are typical of this cake by region, are:

Ravioli con Radicchio Rosso
(Ravioli with Red Radicchio)
Red radicchio IGP is the name of a fruit or vegetable in Italian Protected Geographical Indication.
It is typical of the Venetian plain a region north-east of Italy.
Typical is the red radicchio of Treviso early or late.
Red radicchio IGP is a chicory characterized by a variety of intense dark red color, with white stripes, a crunchy texture and a unique taste delicately bitter.
Radicchio early: it has a large leaf and it has more bitter.
It is used as raw salad but it performs best when it coupled with the sweet taste of golden onion!
Radicchio late: it has long and very slender leaves, the coast is predominant in them, it is very crispy from raw.
Cooked can be grilled, fried, in the pan with onion, for pasta, pizza, or as a fund for a rice.
Ultimately, the red radicchio in the Veneto region has many varieties all very tasty cooked and raw. They are traditional winter products present on the market for Christmas Eve banquets .
The cultivation of radicchio began in the XVI century in the province of Treviso.
The current crop is structured and rigorous.
It provides that the radicchio is put to bleaching immersed in tanks of water for a period of 20 days, so we get a crunchy radicchio and more delicate flavor.
Finally, we also obtain from the radicchio the bitter.
It has been recognized by the Veneto region as a food product traditional Italian .
Pasta al Forno Grigliata
(Baked Pasta Grilled)
Baked pasta is a typical dish of Italian cuisine.
Is difficult to give an attribution to the historical timeline baked pasta. Because the pasta is in the Western world than in the East since he was born agriculture and its cooking in the oven mainly to recover the remains of other preparations is quite intuitive.
Baked pasta is divided into two broad categories: pasta with ' besciamella' and pasta ' mpurnata '.
Pasta with 'besciamella' born in the Renaissance courts in the center north Italy.
Were born from this kind of pasta lasagne and cannelloni emilia.
'Mpurnata' pasta is very old.
Born in southern Italy and derives its sumptuous pies that the Arabs introduced in Sicily during their domination of the ninth century.
The preparation of baked pasta is based on the use of medium or short pasta and a simple tomato sauce or richer depending on the region of origin.
Pasta, cooked 'al dente', drain mixed well with the sauce seasoning, is then distributed in layers in baking dish and related ingredients alternating with the local tradition.
For example, the 'calabrese' baked pasta is done with 'provola', 'soppressata', boiled eggs and fried meatballs; in the end is so much covered everything with grated 'Parmigiano Reggiano ' gratin to promote the whole.
The Sicilian preparation using the inevitable eggplant sliced thin and fried.
Torta Rustica alla Frutta
(Rustic Fruit Pie)

 In Italy we are truly a infinity variety of pie.
That I am presenting today is a 'rustic fruit pie'.
Generally what is called fruitcake is made of dried fruit or candy but my being rustic cake will be made with fresh fruit.
To be lighter than a typical cake, my pie does not contain butter.
In the 15° century the Church forbade the use of butter to observe fasting.
Pope Innocent VIII finally granted the use of butter in a written permission known as the 'butter letter'.
Obviously my reason is quite different.
I want my cake contains only the less calories, because is obviously more you add butter in the cake more it is soft, but I can assure you that by replacing the butter with soybean oil cake is very soft.
In the USA, the fruitcake has been a ridiculed dessert.
Some people claim that the beginning of this trend is with 'Tonight Show' host J. Carson.
He would have joked about the existence of only one fruitcake in the world that it passed from family to family.
Finally, referring to someone as being 'as nutty as a fruitcake' means that the person is mad, strange, insane, or silly.

Mezze Lune Ripiene
(Half-Moons Stuffed)

 To find out more about Manitoba flour you can read the recipe for Easter Dove.
Another special meal which I really love is the Kamut flour.
In the past I had read that the seed of this flour was found by a pilot of Aviation America in an Egyptian sarcophagus.
Personally I believe that it is only a legend but I don't know!
Instead I read recently that it's origins date back to 1921 in the Iranian region.
The means of Kamut is 'soul of the earth'. It is vary poetic!
It is a flour that contains gluten, it is highly digestible but I honestly wouldn't recommend it to those who are gluten intolerant.
Another thing that I love very much and never fails in my recipes are Spices.
In particular, we find in this recipe Ginger and Turmeric.
I love a lot of spices because they have a lot of beneficial properties.
For example, ginger is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical addition to flavor foods is also used to flavor drinks, try pomegranate juice fresh and ginger, it is very good!
Among other things ginger helps fight cholesterol and diabetes.Ginger is also recommended if you suffer from nausea car, plane, ship etc...
Three leaves of basil and a little piece of ginger on an empty stomach helps to soothe coughs and colds.
India then, the ginger is used in pasta and put on the temples to relieve headaches.
These are just some beneficial actions of ginger.
Instead turmeric is also called 'saffron Indie'. Of India because it is much used in Indian cuisine and saffron because it tends to color the yellow color of herbal ingredients to which it is mixed.
Turmeric contains curcumin which there are studies showing that it is anti-inflammatory , anti-arthritic and researchers are studying that curcumin also has anti-cancer.
In shot, the spices in general have a lot of soothing.

Riso e Fasulin
(Rice and Blacks Beans)

Fasulin are a typical dish of the city of Pizzighettone, city in the province of Cremona and is central-south of Lombardy

Rice and black beans I met him because my husband was in Novara (in the center-west of Piedmont) and it is a dish typical of those areas but I don't know the exact history of it!

Coda alla Vaccinara

The 'coda alla vaccinara' was born in Rome (Rome is the capital of Italy, it is in the center west region of Lazio. It 's one of the most beautiful cities in the world!!!).
At Rome in the district 'Regola' where lived the 'Vaccinari' the tail is considered the Queen of the fifth quarter, that is what remains after the vial that sold in affluent parts fine.
Are part of the fifth tail, tripe, pajata, heart, spleen and all offal.
The 'Coda alla Vaccinara' is a dish that definitely needs to be adjusted due to the difficulty of preparation.

Bon appetito! E mentre magnate
penzate a la cucina de le fate!

Bon appetit! And while it is eaten,
do you think of the kitchen fairies!
(verse of the poem by Cesare Simmi)