I am Mrs. Tortolani and this is my sous chef Squinzio, we are Italians and this is our kitchen.
Mrs. Tortolani: We aren't a professional chefs, but there are simple Italian recipes handed down from generation to generation. Squinzio: So guys try to cook, sit at the table and... Good Appetite!!! :-D

Mrs. Tortolani&Squinzio


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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gnocchi al Ragù di coscia di Tacchino

Gnocchi with Meat Sauce Turkey Leg

This is for 4 people

14.110 oz (400 gr) turkey leg meat, cut into small pieces
21.165 oz (600 gr) potatoes
3.530 oz (100 gr) Kamut flour
5.290 oz (150 gr) Manitoba flour
8.818 oz (250 gr) tomato paste
2.117 oz (60 gr) pancetta
½ teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon ginger
3 juniper berries
1 egg
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 cloves garlic, chopped
parsley sprig, chopped
1 bay leaf
5 basil leaves
salt to taste
black pepper to taste


21.165 oz (600 gr) of potatoes to peel.
Boil them and mash the pulp.
Pour it into a bowl and add a teaspoon of salt, 1 egg and mix it very well.
Cover the mixture with parchment paper and let it cool in refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Pour the mixture onto the pastry board, add 3.530 oz (100gr) of Kamut flour and 3.530 oz (100 gr) of Manitoba flour. Work on it quickly.
Divide the dough into 4 pieces.
Make the dough into a sausage shape and cut into 0.98 inch (2.5 cm) pieces.
Sprinkle them with flour.
Boil water with 1 tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of oil.
Pour the Gnocchi and cook them for 3 minutes, drain them.
Pout them in a serving dish, pour the sauce, mix them and serve.
You can add them on grated Parmigiano cheese and black pepper.

Process how to make the sauce:
Pour into a pan 4 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 clove of minced garlic, 2.117 oz (60 gr) of diced pancetta and let it brown for 4 minutes.
Add the turkey leg meat, cut into small pieces and mix it.
Add in it 3 juniper berries, bay leaf, ½ teaspoon of turmeric, ½ teaspoon of ginger, 1 teaspoon of salt and a sprig of parsley.
When the meat is browned, add 8.818 oz (250 gr) of tomato paste diluted with water.
Let it cook on medium heat for 40 minutes.
Add to it a bit of water if it dries too much.
When it is cooked add the basil leaves.


  1. e' più comodo scrivere le ricette con i grammi, così noi italiani non dobbiamo diventare matti a fare le conversioni! Ciao!!!

  2. Il blog era nato per proporre piatti tipici della cucina tradizionale italiana a parsone che vivono all'estero, ma grazie agli stumenti statistici offerti da Google e non solo, ci siamo accorti che questo blog ha molto successo anche qui in Italia e abbiamo provveduto quindi ad inserire la doppia unità di peso per dare la possibilità a tutti di cucinare le nostre ricette senza dover fare le conversioni dei pesi.
    Sperando di averVi fatto cosa gradita lo staff di Tortolani Italian Food!

  3. Ciao,
    c'è differenza nell'utilizzare patate bianche, gialle oppure rosse?
